
Repository for Operating Systems 2021-2

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  1. markdownguide.org
    A website that acts as a guide to using and implementing markdown language. For writing markdown pages like these, its a useful guide to help you when you’re confused.

  2. Linux Tutorial for Beginners
    A short 13 minute YouTube video explaining the basic concepts of Linux. To help understand Linux in an intuitive way, this video gives a useful overview of what Linux is about.

  3. Basics of GnuPG
    A explanation page that explains the basics of GnuPG. Useful for understanding the purpose of GnuPG and how it works.

  4. Understanding Linux File Systems
    A blog that explains about the history of ext4 and the history of Linux’s file systems. Gives a brief history of used file systems and gives an understanding of the growth between each of them.